Buying your next home is not like buying your first, there are a few thing to consider and thankfully, we are experienced enough to save you the time, hassle and cost.

Buying your next home? You probably know what you are doing and be glad that its not our first time either.

The most critical part of a mortgage is time, when placing an offer to buy a property, you are bound by your financing condition and especially when you are buying your second home while renting out the first, a vacation property, or building up your portfolio, you do not want to loose the deal. We seal the deal fast and easy. You need information fast and a broker to act faster. To make this process as smooth as possible, you should consider the following when giving us a call:


Buying your next home is not like buying your first, there are a few thing to consider and thankfully, we are experienced enough to save you the time, hassle and cost.

Assuming you already have a mortgage on your existing property:

1. Will you be selling your existing home?

. If yes, would you be porting your existing mortgage to your new property?

2. If no, would you be renting out your existing home?

2. Do you want to sell your home first, or sell after you move to your new home?

3. Will you be using equity from your existing home to make a down payment on the new home?

If not, what is the source of your down payment?

You will want to talk to us as soon as you plan to buy your next home to come up with a strategy to follow. Talking to a broker will help you answer some important questions like, planning your down payment, existing mortgage exit strategies, costs, and bridge financing if required. Getting pre-qualified or pre-approved when buying your next home is in your best interest as it helps you understand any hurdles that we might want to solve before you place an offer on a property.

Once all of the above is done, you can expect one of the fastest turnaround times in the

industry. Every situation is different and every mortgage is different. We know mortgages well and we will make sure to give you a realistic timeline to seal the deal and secure your new home.

You can also speak to us about the following:


New to Canada

Second Home or Vacation Home

Purchase Plus Improvement

Investment Property

Non resident


Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

Self employed and Business Owner


Pre Payment Privileges and any Pre payment penalties

Renewals and Transfers

We are available for you in the comfort of your house i.e. over the phone or online  You are also welcome to schedule a one-on-one FREE, NO OBLIGATION appointment with us in our office.

The most critical part of a mortgage is time, when placing an offer to buy a property, you are bound by your financing condition and especially when you are buying your second home while renting out the first, a vacation property, or building up your portfolio, you do not want to loose the deal. We seal the deal fast and easy. You need information fast and a broker to act faster. To make this process as smooth as possible, you should consider the following when giving us a call: